
Latest news on ENNESTE COLOR


1. All Enneste colors released!

2. Used in Tomomi Mimura's work.

1. All Enneste colors released!

We are currently updating the acclaimed Enneste Color (all plant-dyed) thread page every day. Take a picture → adjust the colors → upload it to the site → check the completed page and smile.


Ennesute Kara (given name) [ENNESTE COLOR]

A general term for the colors that Enneste creates using plant-based dyeing techniques. Dyeing director Keisuke Izumi leads the dyeing team with his knowledge of chemistry.


You can already see all the threads in stock, so please take a look at the page. It's fun to look at it like a picture book to see if it's possible to create this kind of color using only natural materials.

*Please use the "search filter" on the left side of the page and the "sort menu" on the upper right to find the thread you are looking for more easily.

From now on, every time a new thread is dyed, I will take a picture, adjust the color, upload it to the site, and smile . We will also display Japanese names and original names, so please look forward to it!

▷ New color information is also distributed on the ENNESTE official line, so please register.

2. Used in Tomomi Mimura's work.

mimster x enneste colors

It was used in Tomomi Mimura's work of Darning embroidery. It's spring-like and pretty. For details, please see the magazine "COTTON TIME", which is currently on sale at bookstores!

We are planning to sell the thread used by Mimura within this month. Please take this opportunity to try the Enneste color.

Click the button below for Tomomi Mimura's collection currently on sale.

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